Python – List Comprehension
Let’s learn about list comprehensions! You are given three integers x, y, z and representing the dimensions of a cuboid along with an integer n . Print a list of all possible coordinates given by on a 3D grid where the sum of is not equal to n . Please use list comprehensions rather than multiple loops
x = 1
y = 1
z= 2
n = 3
All permutations of [i,j,k] are:
[[0,0,0], [0,0,1], [0,0,2], [0,1,0],[0,1,1]………..]
Print an array of the elements that do not sum to n.
if __name__ == '__main__': print('Please enter value x :') x = int(input()) print('Please enter value y :') y = int(input()) print ('Please enter value z :') z = int(input()) print('Please enter elements that do not sum to:') n = int(input()) print([[i, j, k] for i in range(0, x+1) for j in range(0, y+1) for k in range(0,z +1) if i+j+k != n])
Happy Chinese New Year
Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family! I hope this year will bring the warmth of love and positivity in your life.